FlightGlobal: EASA Hopes To Increase Flight-Training Flexibility

by | Jan 14, 2021 | News

Flight Global’s David Kaminski-Morrow published an article today discussing EASA’s aim to reduce full flight simulator dependency through NPA 2020-15. This fantastic writeup reveals how EASA will increase flight training flexibility through its new proposal.  According to Kaminski-Morrow, “EASA claims the measure will also improve “visibility” in regard to the capabilities of different flight-training devices, and establish a “clear link” between type-rating training, recurrent training, and the specifications of such devices.” Click to read the full article

.This article also directly relates to MPS’ recently published corporate blog post on EASA’s proposal. It explains in detail what the new proposal offers in terms of flight training and breaks down piece by the piece the broader areas of focus. This blog post was written directly by MPS CEO Philip Adrian who played a consistent role in creation of the NPA.